

Almonds contain lots of fiber, protein, magnesium, healthy fats and vitamin E. Eating almonds helps to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, reduce hunger and promote weight loss.

100% Pure Almonds.

Health benefits:
Improves heart health, reduces cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, assists with blood sugar control, protects against cell damage, supports weight control.

User manual:
Eat directly or serve with yogurt, ice cream or use as ingredients for cakes.

Storage instructions:
In cool, dry place. Avoid direct sunlight.

Do not use when the product has moisture, mold, strange smell.

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Cashew Nuts contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants such as vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B6, copper, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron and selenium. Despite being rich in nutrients, cashews are slightly lower in fat than most other nuts.



Pistachios are high in protein, fiber, antioxidants, minerals and unsaturated fat that can improve your overall health. Specifically, enhancing gut health, helping control blood glucose levels and weight management,...



Macadamia Nuts are nuts that contain a lot of nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals, contain no cholesterol and very little saturated fatty acids. They have a mild, buttery flavor with a great source of energy which is twice as many calories as other nuts.

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Nutrions from Almonds

Nutrions from Almonds

The almond is a tree nut native to the Mediterranean region. Historically, almond trees grew there wild and were later cultivated as early as 3000 BC. Almonds are even referenced in the first book of the Bible, Genesis, as a prized food given as gifts. The edible part of the almond is actually a seed from a drupe, a fruit in which the outer shell and hull layers are typically not eaten. After extracting the almond seed, the shells and hulls are often used for livestock feed and bedding.