[a] Coffee Roasters

[a] Coffee Roasters

Drip Bags Coffee

Drip Bags Coffee

This is a combination version of the delicate sweetness of Red Bourbon coffee with the rich sweetness of Catimor coffee, taking the seductive aroma of Bourbon to activate the feeling of euphoria. Pre-ground coffee, contained in a paper filter bag, is very convenient and saves time to make a perfect cup of coffee that brings many health benefits and mental refreshment.

Rô Sẻ

Rô Sẻ

Rô Sẻ is a Sẻ Robusta coffee, grown in Lâm Hà - Lâm Đồng at an altitude of 980 meters. The fermentation and drying stages of Rô Sẻ coffee are ten times more labor-intensive than normal Robusta coffee.

Robusta mix with Arabica

Robusta mix with Arabica

The coffee which blends according to the ratio of 50 Robusta : 50 Arabica, is the perfect combination between the mild sourness, mild bitterness of Arabica and the characteristic bitter, fatty taste of Robusta. The aroma of Arabica when combined with the richness of Robusta will create a great flavor that captivates people.

Robusta coffee

Robusta coffee

Robusta coffee has its origins in the central and western sub-Saharan Africa. It is the second most popular coffee in the world representing between 40% and 45% of global coffee production. Robusta coffee has a bitter flavor of dark chocolate, almonds and whiskey with a peanutty aftertaste.

Arabica coffee

Arabica coffee

Arabica, which originates from the forests of Southern Ethiopia and Yemen, is by far the most popular coffee in the world with the total output accounting for more than 60%. Arabica beans have different flavors depending on the region, it can be sweet with a fruity flavor but can also have a grainy or nutty flavor.
