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[a] Coffee Roasters

Drip Bags Coffee

Drip Bags Coffee

This is a combination version of the delicate sweetness of Red Bourbon coffee with the rich sweetness of Catimor coffee, taking the seductive aroma of Bourbon to activate the feeling of euphoria. Pre-ground coffee, contained in a paper filter bag, is very convenient and saves time to make a perfect cup of coffee that brings many health benefits and mental refreshment.

Rô Sẻ

Rô Sẻ

Rô Sẻ is a Sẻ Robusta coffee, grown in Lâm Hà - Lâm Đồng at an altitude of 980 meters. The fermentation and drying stages of Rô Sẻ coffee are ten times more labor-intensive than normal Robusta coffee.

Robusta mix with Arabica

Robusta mix with Arabica

The coffee which blends according to the ratio of 50 Robusta : 50 Arabica, is the perfect combination between the mild sourness, mild bitterness of Arabica and the characteristic bitter, fatty taste of Robusta. The aroma of Arabica when combined with the richness of Robusta will create a great flavor that captivates people.

Robusta coffee

Robusta coffee

Robusta coffee has its origins in the central and western sub-Saharan Africa. It is the second most popular coffee in the world representing between 40% and 45% of global coffee production. Robusta coffee has a bitter flavor of dark chocolate, almonds and whiskey with a peanutty aftertaste.

Arabica coffee

Arabica coffee

Arabica, which originates from the forests of Southern Ethiopia and Yemen, is by far the most popular coffee in the world with the total output accounting for more than 60%. Arabica beans have different flavors depending on the region, it can be sweet with a fruity flavor but can also have a grainy or nutty flavor.


Extra Virgin Coconut Oil By Cold Press

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil By Cold Press

At a temperature below 25 degrees Celsius, extra virgin coconut oil begins to solidify, which is the physical effect and does not affect the product’s quality.

Desiccated Coconut

Desiccated Coconut

Desiccated coconut is mainly used as an ingredient in confectionery and bakery industry. It’s used in making cookies, cakes, pastries, desserts, puddings, or any other coconut based recipes.

Coconut Milk

Coconut Milk

The principal fatty acid in coconut milk is lauric acid to create antibodies, contributing to the development of the body’s immune systems.

Coconut Butter

Coconut Butter

Coconut butter is high in lauric acid (about 50%), caprylic acid, capric acid and Medium-chain triglycerides which are considered valuable sources of energy that are quickly absorbed by the body. Fiber content reaches about 14% and completely does not contain harmful fats for the body.

Coconut milk beverage

Coconut milk beverage

Coconut milk is a delicious, nutritious drink that is widely sold. It's packed with important nutrients, so you can include it in your healthy eating to boost heart health and provide other health benefits.

Fresh Coconut Water

Fresh Coconut Water

Coconut water is a delicious and electrolyte-filled, natural beverage that benefit heart, moderate blood sugar, improve kidney health...

Coconut Water In Aluminium Can

Coconut Water In Aluminium Can

Daily beverage supplies carbohydrates and many minerals such as Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium...

Coconut Flour

Coconut Flour

Coconut flour is high in fiber, protein and saturated fat. Healthy fats provide energy, support metabolism, and balance blood sugar.

Refined Coconut Oil

Refined Coconut Oil

Refined Coconut oil is rich in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) and other healthful nutrients.

Toasted Coconut Chips

Toasted Coconut Chips

Toasted Coconut Chips is made from 100% natural coconut, no sugar and collect from coconut right age with sweetness, gluten-free and natural vegan. Coconut content high fiber and a great way to add more fiber to your meals.

Pure Premium Virgin Coconut Oil

Pure Premium Virgin Coconut Oil

Pure premium virgin coconut oil suitable for all people, used for food processing to help strengthen the immune system, good for bones, especially to keep the heart-healthy; and used as cosmetics also- skincare and haircare ...

Luong Quoi Coconut Co., Ltd 

Luong Quoi Coconut Co., Ltd 

Luong Quoi Coconut Co., Ltd - Belonging to the top of 20 largest coconut manufacturers in Asia – Pacific.


Premium Artichoke Leaves Tea

Premium Artichoke Leaves Tea

Artichoke leaves, also known as Cynara scolymus leaves, have been used to treat metabolic disorders. Artichoke leaf extract, has been studied to demonstrate hepatoprotective activity against obesity-induced obesity by a high-fat diet.

Artichoke tea

Artichoke tea

Premium artichoke tea box of 100 premium tea bags is a traditional product from artichoke with aroma from artichoke with completely natural sweetness, now added with high artichoke ingredient to enhance the prevention and protection effect of hepatobiliary.

Premium Artichoke

Premium Artichoke

Premium Artichoke tea is a product containing most of the components of artichoke that help improve liver function, diuretic, increase bile secretion. With a convenient tea bag form and a unique aroma, Premium tea brings a wonderful feeling of relaxation.

Artichoke Ginseng tea

Artichoke Ginseng tea

Artichoke Ginseng tea with simple but urgent benefits, helping to Eat Well and Sleep Well. The benefits are due to the combination of artichokes, liver tonic, Thao Quyet Minh enhances digestion, helps sedation while Party Ginseng nourishes the body, creates red blood cells for blood circulation.

Lado Detox Purebody

Lado Detox Purebody

Perceived as the breakthrough and comprehensive detox solution, coming from the essence of five precious herbs for health are Artichoke, Phyllanthus urinaria, Lingzhi, Codonopsis javanica and Curcumin help to effectively eliminate toxins and at the same time nurtures body healthy remain youthful.

Lado ACTISO Ampoule 

Lado ACTISO Ampoule 

Artichoke ampoule is an oral solution form of Artichoke Extract, keeps all precious health value of fresh Artichoke, helps protect you and your loved ones from harmful effects of enviroment and excessive use of alcohol.



Ladophar is the leading supplier of Artichoke because they have the advantage of growing in an ecological environment to ensure that the source of Artichoke is always clean. Ladophar is confident to be an expert in artichokes, meeting the strict import market of France at that time. With modern extraction and concentration technology and a 24-hour process, LADOActiso products ensure that the content of Cynarin is always at an optimal level, helping to prevent and support the treatment of liver disease along with other solutions.

Quality Elements At Ladophar

Quality Elements At Ladophar

To convert perfect medicinal herbs into perfect products, modern and suitable production lines are indispensable. Ladophar currently owns 3 large-scale factories with high extraction line systems that are certified with Good Manufacturing Practice standards as recommended by the World Health Organization (GMP WHO) for the pharmaceutical industry. in Vietnam as well as achieving HACCP certification as the standard for the dietary supplement industry.

LADOPHAR - Lam Dong Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company 

LADOPHAR - Lam Dong Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company 

Lam Dong Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company - Ladophar has been proud of the heritage of public health care since 1982, providing a diverse product portfolio from herbal tea, health protection drugs and herbal medicines. Ladophar has advantages from local farming areas of Lam Dong, especially artichokes and medicinal herbs that meet GlobalGAP and GACP-WHO standards. Closed production process meets GMP - WHO, ISO 22000: 2005. Control from raw materials, production process to completed products, distribution. Our desire is to bring the best to your health.

Organics Saffron

Negin Saffron Mashhad

Negin Saffron Mashhad

Saffron Negin Salam is grown in the high mountains of the Mashhad region, where the air is fresh. Saffron is watered with dew, due to resistant to the dry wind blowing in the summer, so the surviving plants have the most intense vitality.

Negin Saffron Kashmiri

Negin Saffron Kashmiri

Negin Saffron from The House of Origins is legally sourced with high quality. There are a plethora of famous saffron raw material areas, but the Kashmiri pistil from India has a better quality because the climatic and soil conditions are more suitable for them. Each Kashmiri saffron has 3 delicate branches of saffron that are skillfully hand-picked by the local Lethapora farmer community to bring you the original and pure 'red gold'.

Negin Saffron Iran

Negin Saffron Iran

Negin Saffron Bahraman is a dried saffron pistil produced by Bahraman Saffron Iran company. Saffron Bahraman is known as one of the most valuable and expensive herbs in the Middle East. Bahraman products are the output of a growing, cultivating and harvesting process that uses a limited amount of fertilizer. Therefore, bahraman saffron still ensures high quality, retains aroma and high nutritional content to ensure safety for users.


Good night Cocoa powder

Good night Cocoa powder

Good Evening Cocoa Powder is a product with no added sugar, high alkaline, rich taste and aroma. The product is suitable for use at night.

Good afternoon Cocoa powder 

Good afternoon Cocoa powder 

Good Afternoon Cocoa Powder is a product with no added sugar, medium alkaline, rich taste and aroma. The product is suitable for use in the afternoon.

Good morning Cocoa powder

Good morning Cocoa powder

Good Morning Cocoa Powder is a product with no added sugar, low alkaline, rich taste and aroma. The product is suitable for using in the morning. 

Seeds and Nuts



Cashew Nuts contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants such as vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B6, copper, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron and selenium. Despite being rich in nutrients, cashews are slightly lower in fat than most other nuts.



Walnuts are increasingly being used as a product to help improve brain health, prevent heart disease and cancer. Walnuts are made up of about 65% fat and 15% protein, are low in carbs and most of them fiber. Although the shells are slightly bitter, walnuts have a mild, earthy and tangy taste.



Almonds contain lots of fiber, protein, magnesium, healthy fats and vitamin E. Eating almonds helps to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, reduce hunger and promote weight loss.



Pistachios are high in protein, fiber, antioxidants, minerals and unsaturated fat that can improve your overall health. Specifically, enhancing gut health, helping control blood glucose levels and weight management,...



Macadamia Nuts are nuts that contain a lot of nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals, contain no cholesterol and very little saturated fatty acids. They have a mild, buttery flavor with a great source of energy which is twice as many calories as other nuts.

Dried Fruit



Raisins contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals which are very healthy. In many studies, compared to the grapes, raisins have nearly three times the antioxidant capacity.

Dried Dates

Dried Dates

Dates are a nutrient-rich fruit and are not too strange for each of us, especially dried dates. Dried dates contain many beneficial vitamins and nutrients that help prevent cardiovascular diseases, cancer, control blood sugar,...

Dried Cranberry

Dried Cranberry

With a sweet and sour taste, dried cranberries help lower cholesterol, prevent cardiovascular disease, kidney stones, diabetes and cancer. In addition, it also supports the immune system, prevents the attack of bacteria, viruses, anti-aging, beautifies the skin and maintains the figure.

Dried Plum

Dried Plum

Dried Plums or Prunes are known for improving several health conditions due to containing over 15 different vitamins and minerals, fiber and antioxidants. It helps your muscles, nerves, heart function properly and prevents constipation, osteoporosis,...

Herbal Tea

Chrysanthemum tea

Chrysanthemum tea

Chrysanthemum tea is a herbal tea with bitter tastes, coolness, heat clearing, helps reduce acne, nourishes the body, cools the liver, detoxifies, curing neurasthenia, support cancer treatment, ... Chrysanthemum tea is made from 100% natural herbs, no preservatives, no flavoring, safe for health.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea has a mildly bitter taste and countless valuable health benefits such as Improves heart health, treats insomnia, controls blood sugar, reduces cancer risks, clears heat, detoxifies, lowers blood pressure,... Chamomile tea is made from 100% natural herbs, no preservatives, no flavorings, safe for health.

Rosa Centifolia tea 

Rosa Centifolia tea 

Dried Rose tea is selected from the budding rose buds. Natural aroma, easy to drink, has many health benefits such as supporting digestion, reducing stress, detoxifying, beautiful skin, helping to lose weight, slow aging,... Dried rose tea is made 100% from natural, no preservatives, no flavoring, safe for health.

Hibiscus Sabdariffa tea

Hibiscus Sabdariffa tea

Hibiscus Sabdariffa tea or red artichoke flower tea helps to lose weight, reduces blood fat, improves the immune system, antioxidant, lowers cholesterol,... Made from 100% natural herbs, no preservatives, safe for health.


Cumin Seed

Cumin Seed

Cumin Seed contains compounds called flavonoids that work as antioxidants in the body. It can help prevent diseases such as cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and also improves digestion, immune system, circulation,...

Turmeric powder

Turmeric powder

Turmeric powder contains a large component of curcumin, which is a powerful antioxidant, preventing cancer, especially improving digestive function, curing stomach pain, beauty, improving physique, ...

 Yellow Mustard Seed

 Yellow Mustard Seed

Yellow Mustard Seeds are rich in several minerals such as copper, calcium, iron,... with a good source of vitamins including vitamin C, vitamin K and vitamin B6. They can be used to relieve pain, maintain strong bones, relieve asthma, treat acid reflux, colds and coughs,...

Black Pepper

Black Pepper

Black Pepper is a good source of minerals that can help with bone health, metabolism and wound healing. One teaspoon of Black Pepper offers 13% of your daily recommended intake (DRI) of manganese and 3% of your DRI of vitamin K. With a sharp and mildly spicy flavor, Black Pepper can be added to almost every food of every nation in the world.

Himalayan Pink Salt 

Himalayan Pink Salt 

Himalayan Pink Salt has a natural pink color that contains a plethora of minerals, help you to improve cardiovascular, antioxidant, respiratory diseases, add minerals to the body,...



Cardamom is a spice with an intense, slightly sweet flavor with a strong aroma. It helps improve digestive health, prevents certain cancers and also aids in diabetes treatment, depression, weight loss,...