Vegetable oils

Vegetable oils

How important is the smoke point of cooking oil to our health?

How important is the smoke point of cooking oil to our health?

Each different oil has a different smoke point. An oil's smoke point is the temperature at which it begins to smoke, decompose, and potentially release toxic chemicals. Meaning, when the oil reaches its smoke point, it begins to oxidize and release free radicals, harmful compounds that cause oxidative stress in your body, which can lead to accelerated aging and diseases. Therefore, you should consider the smoking point when choosing cooking oil for the dishes you will prepare.

Olive oil is rich in healthy monounsaturated fats and antioxidants

Olive oil is rich in healthy monounsaturated fats and antioxidants

Olive oil, extracted from the fruit of the traditional olive tree in the Mediterranean basin, is a widely used liquid fat worldwide. Renowned for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, olive oil is particularly acknowledged for its role in preventing cardiovascular diseases and cancers. The smoke point of olive oil is approximately 350°F (176°C), which is a common cooking temperature for many recipes, particularly those for baked goods. 

Coconut oil is high in saturated fats and doesn't contain cholesterol

Coconut oil is high in saturated fats and doesn't contain cholesterol

Coconut oil has been proven that it contains many ingredients that help to lose belly fat, curb appetite, boost the immune system, prevent heart disease and prevent dementia, Alzheimer's disease. Coconut oil is also very popular in some trending diets like the ketogenic and Paleo diets.

Soybean oil is rich in protein and healthy fats with a high smoke point

Soybean oil is rich in protein and healthy fats with a high smoke point

Soybean oil is a vegetable oil extracted from the seeds of the soybean plant (Glycine max). This oil is rich in protein and healthy fats. Researchers found out it may help promote skin health, reduce cholesterol levels and prevent bone loss.

Rice Bran Oil is considered a source of Oryzanol

Rice Bran Oil is considered a source of Oryzanol

Rice bran oil is one of oryzanol source oils. Oryzanol is an antioxidant compound that is related to the absorption of cholesterol, and is used in hyperlipidemia treatment and menopause problems.

Is corn oil a healthy oils?

Is corn oil a healthy oils?

In vegetable oils, corn oil is categorized as one of the richest source of phytosterols, it also contains significant amounts of vitamin E and ubiquinone (Q10) that protect it from oxidative rancidity, increasing its shelf life and making it potentially effective at lowering cholesterol levels. However, it also has some side effects such as weight gain and potential toxicity. These side effects depend heavily on how corn oil is extracted from the corn itself, the type of corn oil you use, and the way you use it.

Coconut Oil and Oral Health

Coconut Oil and Oral Health

Your mouth is full of bacteria, some are helpful but some are bad. When you eat or drink something, you leave a film on your teeth that can trap bad bacteria. If you don't remove it, bacteria can start attacking your teeth.

Benefits of Coconut oil for healthy skin

Benefits of Coconut oil for healthy skin

Coconut oil is the richest source of lauric acid, a fatty acid known for its antibacterial, moisturizing, and hormone-balancing properties. In addition to its anti-aging and skin-restoring abilities, it also stimulates collagen production, and its vitamin E content protects the skin from sun damage.

Coconut oil nourishes healthy Hair

Coconut oil nourishes healthy Hair

Coconut oil is not only great for skin care but also for hair. It is easy to use, used both before and after you wash your hair to help prevent damage and keep your hair healthy.