Why should we drink warm water?

Why should we drink warm water?

According to Ayurvedic Medicine, drinking warm water and drinking warm water on an empty stomach gives countless health benefits. Although, drinking warm or cold water both all helps body stay healthy and hydrated.

Water is essential for overall health. Many people think that drinking warm water can help body stay hydrated, warm water can also improving circulation, aiding digestion. You'll feel warmer and relieve stress more effectively than cold water.

Though there are not many scientific studies on the benefits of drinking warm water, but in one study, medical experts said that water is very beneficial for the body, especially drinking warm water or at room temparature water. Furthermore, humans have been drinking water for thousands of years, folk medicine documents record many benefits of drinking warm water, and so many people advocate drinking warm water because it is an easy way to improve health


Benefits of drinking warm water

1. Healthier digestionDrinking water helps the digestive system to function properly. As water moves through the stomach and intestines, the body is better able to get rid of waste. Some people believe that drinking warm water is especially more effective at activating the digestive system.

When a person does not drink enough water, the small intestine absorbs most of the water consumed through food and drinking. This causes dehydration and can make it more difficult to have a bowel movement. Drinking warm water regularly may help keep your bowel movements regular.

Chronic dehydration can cause corresponding chronic constipation. This constipation can make bowel movements painful and may cause other problems, including hemorrhoids and bloating. In many cases, drinking water is an effective way to relieve and prevent constipation. Staying hydrated helps soften stool and makes it easier to pass.

Drinking warm water helps to break down food faster than drinking cold water. It reduces the risk of constipation by supporting regular bowel movements. A 2016 studyTrusted Source showed that warm water may have favorable effects on intestinal movements and gas expulsion after surgery.

2. Relieve symptoms of achalasiaAchalasia is a condition during which your esophagus has trouble moving food down into your stomach.

People with achalasia have trouble swallowing. They may feel as though foods get stuck in their esophagus instead of moving to the stomach. This is called dysphagia.

Researchers aren’t sure why, but an older 2012 studyTrusted Source found drinking warm water may help people with achalasia digest more comfortably


3. Fighting colds and improving sinus healthHeat applied to the sinuses can alleviate pressure caused by colds and nasal allergies. Steam also helps unclog the sinuses. Holding a cup of hot water and taking a deep inhale of this soothing steam can help loosen clogged sinuses and even relieve sinus headaches.

Drinking warm water can help the mucus move faster. Since you have mucous membranes throughout your sinuses and throat, so drinking hot water can help warm those areas and soothe sore throats caused by mucus buildup.

According to an older 2008 study, a hot drink, such as tea, provides quick, long-term relief from a runny nose, cough, sore throat, and fatigue. Hot drinks are more effective than similar drinks at room temperature.

4. Body detoxificationNatural health advocates argue that hot water might help the body detoxify. When water is hot enough to raise a person’s body temperature, it can cause sweating. Sweating expels toxins and can help clean the pores. A 2020 study found drinking more water can help protect the kidneys while diluting waste materials in the blood.

And according to the Arthritis Foundation, drinking water is important for detoxifying the body. It can also help fight inflammation, keep joints well-lubricated, and prevent gout.


5. Improved circulationWarm water is a vasodilator, which means it expands the blood vessels, improving circulation. Healthy blood flow affects everything from blood pressure to your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Even taking a warm bath also helps the circulatory organs (arteries and veins) expand and carry blood more effectively throughout body. This can help muscles relax and reduce pain.

Although no studies have directly linked hot water to sustained improvements in circulation, even brief improvements in circulation can support better blood flow to muscles and organs.

6. May improve central nervous system functionNot getting enough water, hot or cold, can have negative effects on your nervous system functioning, ultimately affecting mood and brain function.

Research from 2019Trusted Source has shown that drinking water can improve central nervous system activity, as well as mood.

This research showed that drinking water boosted participants’ brain activity during demanding activities and also reduced their self-reported anxiety.

7. Reduced stressSince drinking warm water hepls improve central nervous system functions, so you feel less anxious if you drink warm water.

A cup of soothing warm water can help people manage stress and anxiety. According to a 2014 studyTrusted Source, drinking less water resulted in reduced feelings of calmness, satisfaction, and positive emotions. An older study found that consuming hot liquids, such as tea and coffee, can reduce stress and reduce feelings of anxiety. The study argues that some of the effects are due to caffeine, but that the warmth also played a role in the improved mood of participants.



8. Weight lossResearchTrusted Source has long supported the idea that drinking more water can help a person lose weight. This may partially be because drinking water increases feelings of fullness. Water also helps the body absorb nutrients, and it flushes out waste.

A study published in 2003Trusted Source found that switching from drinking cold water to hot water could increase weight loss. Researchers found that drinking 500 ml of water before a meal increased metabolism by 30 percent.

Raising water temperature to 98.6 degrees accounted for 40 percent of the increase in metabolism. This metabolic step-up lasted for 30-40 minutes, following water consumption.

9. Reduced painHot water improves circulation and may also improve blood flow, particularly to injured muscles. No research has directly linked hot water consumption to pain relief.

However, people routinely use heat packs and hot water bottles to reduce pain. Consuming hot water may offer some internal pain relief, but it is important to note that heat can also exacerbate swelling.


Drinking warm water does not bring any harm to the body, if you have not the habit of drinking warm water, why don't you try it?

Compiled and penned by Crocus Media


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