Eggplant, a veggie as berry with many healthy benefits

Eggplant, a veggie as berry with many healthy benefits

Eggplant is a vegetable but is classified as a berry. It has a unique texture and mild flavor for recipes. Eggplant is rich in fiber but very low in calories, plus a host of nutrients which promise a host of potential health benefits.

Eggplant is grown everywhere for its fruit. It belongs to the Solanaceae family, genus Solanum, related to tomatoes, peppers and potatoes. Eggplant fruit is classified as a berry, used in cooking as a vegetable.

Eggplant has many different names in the world. In the US, Canada or Australia it is called an Eggplant; in England or Ireland it is called Aubergine; In some countries like India, Singapore, Malaysia, South Africa it is called Brinjal.





Eggplants come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. There are oval, long and slender fruits; There are melon-shaped fruits that have white, green, pink, orange and even striped skins. All are edible. The most commonly used fruit is the shiny purple eggplant, which is elongated or teardrop-shaped. Eggplant has a lot of meat inside, has a creamy consistency when be cooked. In addition, eggplant also has the ability to absorb oils and flavors into its meat, so that eggplant has expanded its use in the culinary arts and is easy to make into hearty dishes.





Eggplant provides a good amount of fiber, vitamins and minerals in few calories. In about 100grams of raw eggplant contains Calories: 25, Carbs: 6grams, Fiber: 3grams, Protein: 1gram, Fat: 0.2grams, Vitamin A: 23IUs, Folate: 22micrograms, Vitamin C: 2.2milligrams, Vitamin K: 3.5micrograms, Calcium: 9milligrams, Iron: 0.23milligrams, Magnesium: 14milligrams, Phosphorus: 24milligrams, Potassium: 229milligrams, Manganese: 10% of the RDI, and small amounts of other nutrients such as Niacin and Copper.


In addition to containing a variety of vitamins and minerals, eggplant is rich in anthocyanin called nasunin is especially beneficial for antioxidants. In fact, multiple test-tube studies have confirmed that it’s effective at protecting cells against damage from harmful free radicals. Studies have shown that antioxidants could help prevent many types of chronic disease, such as heart disease and cancer.



By the antioxidant content that eggplant possesses, several animal studies have shown eggplant may improve heart function and lower LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels, although more research is needed for the human body.

In one study, the rabbits with high cholesterol were given 10ml of eggplant juice per day for two weeks. At the end of the study, both LDL cholesterol and triglycerides had lower levels than at the beginning of the study. Both LDL cholesterol and triglycerides are markers in the blood that can lead to an increased risk of heart disease when elevated.

Other studies also shown that eggplant may have cardioprotective effects. For example, in one animal study, researchers fed them raw or cooked eggplants for 30 days. Both types improve their heart function and reduce the severity of heart attacks.


Eggplant contains fiber which passes through the digestive system intact, and this may help to keep your blood sugar in check. A bowl of cooked eggplant cubes, about 96grams weighing, contains around 2.4grams of fiber.

Fiber can lower blood sugar by slowing the rate of digestion and absorption of sugar in the body. Slower absorption keeps blood sugar levels steady and prevents spikes and crashes.

One test-tube study looked at polyphenol-enriched extracts of eggplant. It showed that they could reduce levels of specific enzymes that influence sugar absorption, helping reduce blood sugar.

Other research suggests that polyphenols, or natural plant compounds, found in foods like eggplant may reduce sugar absorption and increase insulin secretion, both of which can help lower blood sugar.

Eggplants fit well into current dietary recommendations for controlling diabetes, which include a high-fiber diet rich in whole grains and vegetables.



The polyphenols in eggplant may help protect the body from cancer. Anthocyanins and chlorogenic acid protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. In the long term, this may help prevent tumor growth and the spread of cancer cells.

Anthocyanins may help achieve this by preventing new blood vessels from forming in the tumor, reducing inflammation, and blocking the enzymes that help cancer cells spread.


Findings of animal studies suggest that nasunin, an anthocyanin in eggplant skin, may help protect brain cell membranes from damage caused by free radicals. Nasunin also helps transport nutrients into cells and move waste out.

Anthocyanins also help prevent neuroinflammation and facilitate blood flow to the brain. This could help prevent memory loss and other aspects of age-related mental decline.

Lab experiments have indicated that nasunin may reduce the breakdown of fats in the brain, a process that can cause cell damage.




Eggplants are high in fiber and low in calories. Fiber moves through the digestive tract slowly and can promote fullness and satiety, reducing calorie intake.

Each bowl about 82grams of raw eggplant contains 3grams of fiber and just 20calories.

Dietary fiber can help people manage their weight. A person who follows a high-fiber diet is less likely to overeat, as fiber can help a person feel fuller for longer.

However, eggplant can absorb a lot of oil during frying. Anyone looking to lose weight should prepare it a different way, such as by grilling or air-frying it.


Eggplant also contains the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin. Lutein appears to play a roleTrusted Source in eye health, and it may help prevent age-related macular degeneration, which can lead to vision loss in older people.




Be aware that eggplant leaves and flowers can be toxic, but eggplant fruit is safe. Fear not, just avoid the leaves and flowers of the eggplant. However, some people should not consume too much eggplant for the following reasons:

Solanine poisoning

Eggplants are part of Solanaceae family, it contains alkaloids, including solanine, which can be toxic. Solanine protects these plants while they are still developing. Eating the leaves or tubers of these plants can lead to symptoms such as burning in the throat, nausea and vomiting, and heart arrhythmias. The reaction can be fatal. People are at typically at risk of ingesting the most solanine if they eat potatoes that have turned green. Eggplants contain small quantities of solanine, and eating low-to-moderate amounts is unlikely to have a significant effect.

Nasunin and iron absorption

Nasunin, a phytochemical in eggplants, binds with iron and removes it from cells. This process, known as iron chelation, may be useful for people who have too much iron in their bodies. Meanwhile, people with low levels of iron should not consume large amounts of foods that contain nasunin.

Eggplant allergy

In rare cases, one or more compounds triggers an allergic reaction. The primary cause appears to be a lipid transfer protein in the plant. Symptoms of a reaction can include hives, swelling, and difficulty breathing. Anyone who experiences these symptoms should receive urgent medical help, as they may have anaphylaxis, a life-threatening allergic reaction.

Oxalates and kidney stones

Eggplants contain oxalates, though they have fewer than most fruits and vegetables. Oxalates can contributeTrusted Source to kidney stone formation in some people who are more prone to absorbing oxalates. Without treatment, kidney stones can lead to acute kidney injury or kidney death. Foods containing oxalates, such as eggplant, may not be suitable for people prone to kidney stones. Anyone with this condition should limit their intake of oxalate-containing foods.



Fortunately, the answer is yes. Although the leaves and flowers can be toxic, the eggplant itself is safe to consume both raw and cooked. The compound that some people may be sensitive to is solanin, which is toxic only when consumed in large quantities, you have to eat more than a dozen eggplants (at least) at a same time to reaching potentially toxic levels of solanine. This compound can be present in boiled eggplant, if you fry eggplant, this solanin compound will destroy.


Eggplants can be eaten raw as salads without cooking. Its taste is a bit bitter. Some small eggplants or Asian varieties such as Thai or Japanese eggplants will be less bitter than dark purple varieties. The bitter taste of eggplant is mostly kept in its skin, you should peel off the skin to reduce the bitterness, then you soak and wash the eggplant in salt water to remove the bitterness again, as well as excess water, which helps give the eggplant texture and flavor.



Eggplant can be processed as simple as salads, grilled, sauteed with little oil, because the meat of eggplant strongly absorb oil. To enjoy the health benefits of eggplant, you should include it in your healthy diet. You should remember, with any kind of nutritious food, not much is good, all should be coordinated with a moderate and regular diet is the best way to eat healthy.

Compiled and penned by Crocus Media



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