Sipping a few cups of chamomile tea per week, is well-deserved for health.

Sipping a few cups of chamomile tea per week, is well-deserved for health.

Chamomile is a herb that has been known since ancient times. Flavonoids in chamomile play a very important medical role. Today, people use chamomile tea as a drink to improve sleep, anxiety and digestive disorders. Chamomile is also used for skin improvement and wound healing purposes. Many studies show that chamomile has properties that can help reduce inflammation, spasms, and bloating, promote calmness and ease of sleep, and protect against bacteria that cause stomach ulcers.

Chamomile contains many chemical components, many of which are pharmacologically active, including chamazulene - an anti-inflammatory; bisabolol - an oil with anti-irritant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial properties; apigenin - a phytonutrient that acts as a strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and antiviral; and luteolin - a phytonutrient with potential anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer activity.

Chamomile tea is easy to find in all supermarkets, as well as easy to buy online. Several times a week, you should sip a cup of hot chamomile tea because of the many health benefits of a cup of tea.

1. Improve sleep quality
Chamomile contains apigenin, an antioxidant that binds to certain receptors in your brain that may promote feelings of sleepiness and relieve insomnia or chronic insomnia.

In one study, postpartum women who drank chamomile tea for two weeks reported better sleep quality than a group that didn't drink chamomile tea. They also had fewer depressive symptoms, which are often related to sleep problems.

Another study found that people who consumed 270 mg of chamomile extract twice daily for 28 days spent one-third less awake at night and fell asleep 15 minutes faster than those who did not use the extract.

Drinking chamomile tea before bed is definitely worth a try if you have trouble falling asleep.

2. Promotes Digestive Health
Because chamomile contains bitter compounds called cesquiterpene lactones, which trigger the pancreas to produce the digestive enzymes needed to break down food and solve problems in the digestive tract because it is antispasmodic, meaning it is to help relieve spasms in the body, including the stomach and intestines.

3. Protect Against Certain Types of Cancer
Chamomile contains the antioxidant apigenin, which have been linked with a lower incidence of certain types of cancer.

In test-tube studies, apigenin has been shown to fight cancer cells, especially those of the breast, digestive tract, skin, prostate and uterus.

One study of 537 people observed that those who drank chamomile tea 2–6 times per week were significantly less likely to develop thyroid cancer than those who did not drink chamomile tea.

These findings are promising, but more high-quality, human research is necessary to make a conclusion regarding chamomile tea’s role in cancer prevention.

4. Benefit Blood Sugar Control
The anti-inflammatory effects of chamomile tea may promote blood sugar control, especially when it’s consumed with a meal. Drinking chamomile tea may aid in lowering blood sugar levels.

Its anti-inflammatory properties may prevent damage to the cells of your pancreas, which occurs when your blood sugar levels are chronically elevated. The health of your pancreas is extremely important, as it produces insulin, the hormone responsible for removing sugar from your blood.

In one study of 64 diabetic people, those who consumed chamomile tea daily with meals for eight weeks had significantly lower average blood sugar levels than those who consumed water.

Additionally, several animal studies suggest that chamomile tea may lower fasting blood sugar levels by a considerable amount, and it may also be beneficial for preventing blood sugar spikes after eating.

5. Improve Heart Health
Chamomile tea is abundant in flavones, a class of antioxidants. Flavones have been studied for their potential to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which are important markers of heart disease risk.

More research is necessary to confirm chamomile tea’s role in promoting heart health, but it certainly couldn’t hurt to include it in your diet.

In addition to the 5 benefits mentioned above Chamomile tea can also bring many other benefits to the skin, hair, increase resistance....

Every week, sipping a few cups of chamomile tea is well-deserved for your health.

Compiled and penned by Crocus Media


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